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Miscellany Monday

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My Freshly Brewed Life: Miscellany Monday

Monday, December 27, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

I am a little late in linking up today, but I hope you will stop by for a visit.  I am so thankful for Carissa and the Miscellany Monday. I have missed linking up and look forward to visiting your blogs!

{1}...I sang, in a store!  I had to run out on Christmas Eve because, can you believe it, I forgot to buy candy for my kids' stockings? I mean really, what kind of mother would forget the candy? Anyways, my daughter was with me (yes, she helps me pick out the right candy) and we decided to go to Target, in the hopes of also finding the missing Beanie that my son wanted.  When I arrived the line was wrapped half way around the store.  It took me just a few minutes to gather up what I needed, and I proceeded to the back of the line.  I noticed not too many people were smiling, and I heard a lot of complaining about how long the line was (duh, it's Christmas Eve people. What where you expecting?)  I wanted to do something to lighten up the mood. I suggested to those around me that we sing Christmas carols, but no one seemed interested.  So, I took a deep breath, and I did it.  I sang, in the store, at the top of my lungs, this song:

I'm Singing.  I'm In A Store and I'm Singing!

My daughter about died, running for cover under the basket.  Oh I sang it loudly and real good.  My voice even cracked at the top, just like in Elf!  Ha ha, I have to laugh at myself.  I did get some looks.  I am sure people thought I was strange, but it was so freeing to break out in a song like this!

{2}...Random photos for my random post.  Sadly, I didn't capture any of the kids opening their gifts.  I was the Santa this year so I couldn't do both.

Our lovely tree with the presents all wrapped and ready to open!

My son youngest son, waiting patiently for his big brother to read
the Christmas story.

My Christmas present from my husband, which I actually got a week early!
I'm in LOVE!

Promises and Kisses!

{3}...What now?  Well, my tree is still up, decorations still hung, cookies half eaten, presents here and there.  The Christmas aftermath is here.  There is a lot to do to get the house back to normal.  I am hoping I can tackle it all by next weekend.  

{4}...Narnia.  I took my 10 year old daughter to see the new Narnia movie today.  Has anyone seen it?  What did you think? I thought it was a good movie, although I do not think it compared to the original.

{5}...New Years!  Are any of you making any resolutions for the New Year? I don't make resolutions really, although I do have a few goals I would like to achieve this year, which I will share later on my blog.  What are your plans for the New Year? I will be spending an extended time in worship and prayer at Convergence House of Prayer.  We will be going all day until about 1:00a on New Years.  There is nothing better than bringing in the New Year with Jesus!

Have a wonderful week my friends!
