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My Freshly Brewed Life: Blogging In Style

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blogging In Style

Earlier this week, my lovely blog friend Jill at Pathway To Purpose awarded me the Stylish Blogger Award! How sweet is that?  Thank you, Jill, for this sweet award.  Have you ever visited Jill's blog?  She has a beautiful family and recently started her own business, Simple Delights, selling all natural lotion bars and lip balms.  She has been such an encouragement to me on this journey.  I humbly accept this award.

The Rules of Acceptance

1. Link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass it along to 7 other stylish bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.
7 things about myself.

1.  I have lived in California all of my life.
2.  I work full time as an administrator at Convergence House of Prayer.
3.  I did not get my driver's license until I was 20 years old.
4.  I am addicted to coffee and am not seeking help at this time.
5.  I love to sing, pray, paint, read and write. 
6.  I dream of writing a Woman's Devotional one day.
7.  I am passionate about bringing freedom to the captives.

I follow so many wonderful and encouraging blogs, that it's so hard to pick just seven.  Each of these woman have impacted my life more than they probably know, through their encouraging and inspiring posts, as well as their prayers.  I am so thankful for these beautiful woman and their blogs, and I am honored to call them friends.  In no particular order:

Cindy @ She Sparkles 

Katy @ B'ahava

Have a blessed weekend!
